Culture & Wellbeing 

Experts in Culture & Wellbeing 

It is not a myth or something fluffy and hard to define. Your organisational culture is really important. We want to help you create and sustain a happy and productive working environment. We offer HR consultancy advice on organisational culture change in altrincham and Manchester. 
Happy staff stay longer and perform better and this impacts upon your bottom line. Creating the right workplace culture or perhaps changing your existing culture is something we have helped many businesses achieve. We can objectively help you identify what makes your business unique and what makes your staff engaged and want to work with you. 
We can also identify problems with your culture arising from managers, work load or pay and benefits. We help you improve and change cultures at work and make your business more productive and your staff more engaged. 

Improving Employee Engagement 

Looking after your staff and helping reduce stress and anxiety at work can be challenging. Your employees may need help with their mental health or feeling burnt out and unable to cope. 
We work with organisations to help improve employee engagement so that staff feel able to discuss freely problems or difficulties they face in he workplace. We can help you establish employee assistance programmes so staff can access mental health, financial guidance and physical wellbeing assistance. We also advice on your existing work practices and how flexible working or job rotation can improve both wellbeing and productivity 

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